Segregation in schools right now

picture by Jefferson national parks association

Back when Tuscaloosa was a segregated school, blacks were treated unequally to the point that the U.S. had to come in and fix the problem. After they fixed their problem of segregating blacks and whites, they became one of the most famous schools due to their successful integration. Although the decision was unpopular then, it was completed. But after those couple years or so, it downfalled. Around 2000, the U.S. took away their court order for desegregation on Tuscaloosa because the schools were still segregated and they trusted them to keep it segregated. They then found out that their decision was not the best idea because Tuscaloosa started to become separated again slowly and slowly. Now there are 3 schools and the poorest school has all of the black students in it. It was like Brown V. Board has never happened because of the rate of how fast Tuscaloosa is going back to segregation. But the amount of segregation that is happening now is not as bad as how it was back then. In the poorer schools at Tuscaloosa, the straight A students only get a few college letters while on the other hand, the other Tuscaloosa schools with straight A students get a wider variety of college letters. Segregation in schools is still happening right now, and it is evident in the type of schools there are right now in towns such as Tuscaloosa.

Benefits of integrating schools

Picture by breslow/PBS

By integrating schools, children are able to have a full school experience. The graph above shows how each race is exposed to other races in their schools. When integrating schools, children are able to have a plethora of friends of all different races because if they are segregated, then they may not have the friends that they have if they were integrated. In the graph above, it shows that an average white student does not have the most diversity around him/her because we are starting to resegregate. But if there weren’t schools that are segregated or all-white, then that average white student would have a much more diverse friendship and they would be much more exposed to other races. Integration also helps with graduation for everybody. It is shown in another chart that if a black person went to a desegregated school, their chances of staying in school would increase, which increases their chances of graduation. If they stay on this path of going to an integrated school, the children will have a better financial future. If they go to a desegregated school, it is proven that their income will increase by 15% which decreases their likelihood or poverty. So integration of schools can have benefits for all children attending these schools.

Segregation in context

Picture by Stephens/ALBLOG

Back then, there was a lot of segregation in schools between blacks and whites. As time went on, segregation became better and now, segregation is pretty much nonexistent. But it seems as if we have digressed in segregation after it got better because there are killings of black people from white people. We know that segregation will not ever disappear because there are racist people everywhere that still believe in segregation. They could be from a regular person to a government worker such as a police officer. Segregation can happen anytime, anywhere, especially if near a group of people that are working towards segregation. This is why segregation usually happens in schools because parents aren’t around, so this gives administrations the chance to separate the different races of kids into their own schools. It is especially sad when this happens to younger kids such as kindergarteners because they do not know what is happening and they do not have enough understanding of this to tell their parents. Segregation is one of the worst things that the human race has, so there is no reason why one person should think poorly of another.